The quintessence of enlightened mind, the profound seal of the great expanse, concludes with this profound aspirational prayer. In order to benefit the others by spreading its profound meaning, and to complete the auspicious interdependence and aspirations, to the one who was blessed by Namkhi Nyingpo, the hidden Vidyadhara, the crazy one from Kong-po, I […]
Category Archives: Zen
Upper Priest Summer 2021
Big Sur Sunrise Summer 2021
smoke filling the woodsnorthern windsfanning the flamesmoving ceaselesslyforwarddevouring everythingcreeping withblazing feeton trailsleading home. 2021 – Kim Vejen
Rock Coulee Summer 2021
Big Sur Sunset Summer 2021
“And when the fog’s over and the stars and the moon come out at night, it’ll be a beautiful sight.”― Jack Kerouac, Big Sur
Relaxing Waterfall at Sunrise
“I come to realize that mind is no other than mountains and rivers and the great wide earth, the sun and the moon and stars.”– Dogen Zenji